
Redesigning Tea-Do

Our task

For this project, my group and I were to collaborate to prototype a redesign for a website. We chose to do our project on a website for the bubble tea restaurant, Tea-Do. We wanted to gather test research on how the website functioned for the user so we could build our design around fixing the issues testers had with the site.

The importance of testing users

We used Usertesting.com to create our test. We wanted to ask the user to do things that would be close to what a normal user would go on the website for. Thus, we asked them to do things like looking at a menu, finding a drink, and getting information on their locations. Through these tests, we found that the website was really confusing for users, especially when it came to finding locations and reading the menu. The testers did, however, like the general feel of the website and thought it got to the point quickly without things being in the way.

Tea-mwork makes the website work

Going off of this information, we got to work on creating the prototype. We had pretty good teamwork and we were able to get through the work with relative ease (though it may have gone a bit late into the night). We decided it would be a good idea to add an order menu for people to put in an order online, as well as a contact page where you could find their social accounts and send an email to the business. We also redesigned the menus to show the prices, and in the ordering service, you would be able to see the ingredients, both of which were pain points for the testers. From this process, I learned a lot about how to work with a team to get a quality result, as well as how to best research how users use a website.